
The hospitality industry is a wide category of services that includes food and beverage, hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, bars and travel. Hospitality-focused businesses like hotels that provide accommodation will require high quality products to ensure the facilities including bedrooms, bathrooms, reception areas and meeting areas are kept clean and fresh. It goes without saying Kitchen and food preparation areas are to be regularly cleaned so the food that is served to the consumer is safe.

Outdoor facilities for premises offering hospitality require regular maintenance to ensure the health and safety of visiting guests. Our range includes algae and moss remover, ice management products and weed killer. Such products are available to keep paths and walkways safe avoiding unnecessary trips and falls.


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Transportation Cleaning Products

The travel and tourism section extends to driving tourists, workers and businesses to new destinations.  We have a large range of products to keep vehicles well maintained both inside and out.  

Bars and Nightclub Cleaning Products

Bars and nightclubs will require beer line cleaners, glass cleaning and washing up products this is essential to providing sparkling cups and glasses with beverages that have been dispensed through clean lines.  There is nothing worse than taking a sip of your favourite cool drink only to have the remnants of somebody else’s lipstick on the glass or the smears left from badly rinsed down items. 

Food Production Cleaning Products

Before any of the food and beverages that are to be consumed within these facilities arrive to the hospitality sector.  We provide the chemicals that keep food safe and free from germs and bacteria during the food production process. 


To compliment all of the products that we offer to all of these industries, we provide the PPE to keep employees safe whilst carrying out these procedures.  To help ensure these processes are carried out to a high standard we keep stock of good quality industry approved cloths, brushes mops and paper products.

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